At these particular times of sleeping, eating, resting.. err practically doing nothing.. I got to thinking. It's been quiet a while since I contact my dear dear friends from UIA, especially 1st batch engineering. Maybe this illness of mine is a time given by Allah so that I would reflect all those good moments together.
I remember at one time when The X Files was a rage, we; the 1st batch girls; me, Zura, Ijan, Yatie, Azie, and sometimes Tuti, Julaiha, Juliana, Kin Kon (sorry hehe!), Farah, Ikin, Hamna, Shireen, Zahra (our only Iranian gang member); would take out tools; screw driver, hammer, etc; and pried open the TV room door just to be able to watch Mulder and Scully. We even made a makeshift alarm system (ijan with her slippers) so that we'll know if anybody especially the guards came for a check. Engineering girls...what do you expect?
One other time, we managed to scare Mazlan (the horrible guard) out of his skin by wearing our telekung tops and pretend we were ghosts. We didn't mean to actually, it was 4am and we were supposed to attend a night time jemaah prayer (qiammullail) at the campus, but Mazlan would not open the gate, so.. you know then what happened. Hilarious actually, we saw him ducking under his desk!
Ok girls, my friends.. I really miss you. I know we don't have much free time now, what with the kids, job and all. But I suppose we can work out something for old times sake. What do you think?

Me with a new friend.. hmm always trying to get into my shirt...notice his tail?
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