I was just sitting doing nothing (not exactly nothing; more like trying to reach my tongue to my nose)on the hospital bed this morning when I suddenly had the cravings for boiled tapioca chunks (hot from the pot) with grated coconut plus gula melaka and a huge pot of freshly brewed black 'kopi tenom'. I can almost smell the fragrance of the coffee as though I was back at my mom-in-law's house in Putatan, Sabah. Other types of coffee I've tasted don't really have the kicks that kopi tenom has. I just couldn't stand the cravings. I had to have some right away...
I furiously made phone calls to my people (you know... my husband who else ), unfortunately.. he can only go back to our house to get some supplies of the coffee after his office hours end. For the time being I just have to continue doing what I was doing earlier (trying to reach my nose with my tongue) until my knight in shining armour arrives in 7 hours. Hmmmm...
here's a pic of the said coffee to whet your appetite!

Never mind that..
I've been here for almost a week now due to back pains, and for a week now my back has been probed, pressed, pinched, kneaded, poked with needles, electrocuted, slow-cooked (using infra-red rays)and all other kinds of tortures imaginable from the therapists but I have yet to feel any improvements. Pain not reduced, flexibility not improved, but... I admit, I do feel rested here. Like I said, there's exactly nothing to do except rest, sleep, watch tv, and the 'tortures' twice daily. Hah... I do miss kopi tenom...waaahhhhh!!!

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